Work Order:
Property Photos + Video Tour

Work Order Description

This work order is for an agent to take photos of a rental property that will be used in our rental listing. The expectation is to take enough photos of the interior AND exterior of the property so that we can choose our favorite 20-25 photos to publish. 0.5 zoom lens required (2020+ iPhone or Android). In addition, the agent will record a 4-5 minute video tour. The agent is allowed to introduce themselves and their brokerage in the video.

Photo Requirements
Please take as many photos as is necessary to represent the home.  This will typically be 30+ photos for the average house and yard.

Please turn on all relevant lights and open all shades and curtains.  Maximize sun and light exposure for the best quality photos.  A good quality phone will work but photos must be a minimum of 2MB (or more than 2000px x 2000px).  If there are broken lights or burned out bulbs in important areas of the home, please contact us.

- Choose your widest lens (0.5 zoom minimum preferred).
- Use landscape view whenever possible.  This orientation works best online.
- Please take photos from 4-5 feet off the floor (or chest height) - NOT 6 feet (eye height).
- Pick doorways and corners of the room to capture the best angles.

- Take multiple photos of important rooms (kitchen, bathrooms, living areas)
- Take several great kitchen photos - these are typically highlighted
- Capture areas that may be a challenge for some people (stairs, walkways, porches and decks)
- Take pictures of common areas outside the home, such as shared pools and playgrounds
- Please take close care to capture at least one excellent picture for our featured photo. Typically the front of the house to represent the home.

Blurry photos will not be accepted so please remove them before sending if present in your collection.  
Photos that are not level (crooked) also need not be submitted.

Video Requirements

Please take one continuous video.  Please DO NOT cut the video into sections.  We need a single video file. 

You may also introduce yourself and your company.  If you do introduce yourself, also mention that you are taking this video for RentSavvy. Example: "This is [name] with [brokerage] on behalf of RentSavvy." You may remind them of your name as you wrap up the video.

The video should slowly pan in each room giving the viewer a chance to at least see 270 degrees around you. Give commentary on what you see.

Landscape videos are preferred but we will accept portrait if necessary. DO NOT change your orientation mid-video.

Start your video with a view of the home from the street like a thumbnail photo.

Final Notes

Photos and video can be shared via Google Drive or Dropbox, then shared with us by email to
Please ask if an alternate method is needed. Do not cut the video into any more than 2 files.

Take photos and videos as if it was your client, and your listing. We appreciate your help!